Monday, February 19, 2007

Caring for our veterans

Jonathan Schulze was another example of how well we are caring for the veterans of the current wars. Note the use of 'was'. He's dead. Depressed and suicidal after coming home, he hung himself in the cellar of his parent's home.

Although Jonathan was hit by shrapnel, his real problem was his emotional health. He and his family recognized the problem and went to the local VA hospital. The person who screens people complaining of mental problems was not in that day; Jonathan and his family went home. The next day he learned that he was 26th on the waiting list for the 12 beds that were available. A few days later he killed himself.

There are 1,500,000 people who have served and are serving this country in Iraq and Afghanistan. Estimates are that 20% of them will have some form of PTSD. What will happen with these people? Will this country try to help them? Or, will we continue to cut our taxes and plan trips to Mars?

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