Monday, February 12, 2007

Trust me. We have the proof

This whole Iran thing just sounds so phony I want to throw up. The government has been talking about this for almost a year. Now they've reached the state where they can 'demonstrate' that Iran is supplying weapons in Iraq. Of course, they don't allow the reporters to tell who the people demonstrating this proof are, nor is anyone allowed to see all the relevant documents. But, hey, we have to trust them. Would they lie to us?

What's really interesting to me is that the proof seems to be that they have found weapons from Iran being used by the insurgents. Ergo, Iran is helping the insurgents. Don't you think that we have also found weapons from America being used by the insurgents? Ergo, America is helping the insurgents.

It seems as though the powers that be will do anything, say anything to try to divert our attention away from the disaster we have wrought. How many Congressmen or Senators have had the courage to speak about this charade? Have things changed with a Democratic majority in the legislative branch? Of course not. A plague on both their houses.

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

World War III is what we are looking at here. Trouble is the rest of the world does not want to get involved.