Saturday, September 29, 2007

9 hours, 12 hours, 86 hours?

There are at least three different answers to the question as to how long it took to comply with FISA when insurgents had captured three of our men. Michael McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence, says 12 hours. The Washington Post says 9 1/2. But, the efforts to seek a warrant needed to comply with the law did not begin until 86 hours after the soldiers were reported captured. Further, much of the delay was caused by a dispute between the Justice Department and intelligence officers. Heck, it took two hours to locate Gonzales to get his okay.

Was McConnell distorting the facts to score points in his campaign to overturn FISA? He did this when he claimed in a Senate hearing that new intelligence legislation helped the recent capture of the suspected German terrorists; subsequently, he retracted his testimony. Will he retract his latest testimony?

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