Monday, September 17, 2007

Michael Halko is not that unique

Mr. Halko, who is 90 years old, was rescued by firefighters yesterday. He was almost buried in trash, only his head was visible. The trash was in his house and was so dense that the front door could not opened nor could people walk on the floors in the house.

Here on the Vineyard - and I would think elsewhere - there are a number of elderly who don't throw things out. The reason is unknown, but the trash is very visible. I don't know how many elderly have this problem but I wouldn't be surprised if 5% did.

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

The Collyer brothers were pretty famous hoarders, even got a long NY times obit.

I have an aunt whose house is so full of crap it is hard to get around and she got all of it at thrift stores and rummage sales and remembers the cost of each. She is rich and lives in a cramped 40 year old trailer.