Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mr. Galloway Speaks

It's not George Galloway, an English MP. It's Joseph Galloway, a columnist for the McClatchy newspapers. When I started reading this column, I thought it would be just another of many. But, as I read, I realized that Galloway was saying most of the same things I've said or believed. You've got to get half-way into the article before you realize that this, in today's world, is clearly a different article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's right, and there are many others like him writing this stuff all the time, but for the good they do they may as well stay at home and do the housework. Americans are being systematically robbed of their rights by this bunch of criminals and not enough care enough to take any action. "Homeland Security" covers up a multitude of sins.