Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gee, They May Actually Do Something

Congress and the administration seem to be moving towards a reasonable stimulus package. While I really find this hard to believe, obviously I'm hopeful that our leaders will finally exercise some responsibility.

Yes, we need to get money into the hands of those who will spend it - and spend it quickly. Hence, here is one case where a flat amount makes sense; $500 to someone making $25,000 is a heck of a lot more than the same amount given to someone making $100,000. And the lower income person will have to spend it just to get by. Helping those who are unemployed survive without a job for a longer period of time is another necessity. Increasing food stamps temporarily would also help.

The infrastructure of this country is in sad shape. Be it water, transportation, schools - something is wrong with a large segment of our infrastructure. If there were sensible projects ready to go, we should also jump start them.

But, we can't forget the trigger to where we are now: too much of our financial structure is no longer controlled by banks. We need to have greater control over our 21st century, global financial system, not just the banking system.

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