Thursday, January 24, 2008

What is your color?

They all fear me. And, they should, for I am BLACK, the King of all Colors. I have obliterated all other colors.

I am omnipotent. When you die and face the unknown, your friends and family appeal to me by donning black to ease the pain. They follow you in a black hearse to your last resting place. I am always there and always called upon at your final appearance. And, I may meet you down below for I am also the Prince of Darkness.

Some malign me by blackmailing other people, dealing in black markets, using a blackjack or attributing bad luck to a black cat. But they are in the minority. Even in your games of checkers and chess you acknowledge my power by granting me the first move. Some of you like me so much you have adopted my name; you all know a Mr. Black. Who knows a Mr. Purple or a Ms Orange? Some worship the night, which I bring you every twelve hours. Some fear it. I try to please both by putting variety in each night; some nights are peaceful, some stormy.

To the writer I am ubiquitous. Almost all books and magazines are printed in black ink. Publishers, like all business people, much prefer being in the black rather than the red.

Occasionally, I am frivolous when I wear my little black cocktail dress. Most of the time I’m serious, very serious. Life is a serious business and I’m here to help you through it.


Jedd said...

Sorry black - in chess White always gets the first move.

Anonymous said...

This is a delightful excursion from your usual fact-digging and revealing, Mister DeVito, and despite the minor 'indiscretion' highlighted by 'jedd', was a most entertaining piece. You really should do more.