Thursday, March 06, 2008

0 for 5

If a baseball player had gone 0 for 5, one would assume that he had not played well that day. The opposition did a good job in holding him hitless.

Boeing, its workers and their politicians have raised a stink about Boeing losing the competition to build the next tanker for the Air Force. It turns out that the EADS/Northrop-Grumman team beat Boeing on all five criteria. Now Boeing is complaining that the Air Force steered them down the wrong path; as a result, they bid a smaller plane than one which met the Air Force's need.

Why should we taxpayers buy an inferior product just because the loser is American?
By the way, tanker revenue for Boeing amounts to 1% of their revenue. Losing this contract should not be the end of the world for them. We've got to learn how to compete in a much tougher world. Boeing has learned how to do so in the commercial arena. I'm sure they can do so in the military arena.

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