Friday, March 14, 2008

It's as though Paul had changed his mind.

Foreign Policy has a review of what is likely an amazing book, "Document to Rationalizing Jihadi Action in Egypt and the World". It was written by Sayyed Imam al-Sharif, who has written two previous works which have become almost like a book of the bible for many in the jihadi world. However, in November he published the book under review. In this latest work, he changes his mind big time.

Now he believes that the battles in which the jihadi groups are engaged violate the Islamic concept of jihad and have harmed Islam and its followers. He specifically inveighs against murder based on nationality, religious belief or skin color. He also weighs in against the destruction of property. al-Sharif urges Muslims to obey the laws of the countries in which they live or visit and forbids violence against Muslim rulers. Jihad, in al-Sharif's view, is a defensive rather than an offensive concept.

In my limited knowledge this represents a significant step toward a more peaceful world. Let's hope this latest book is as revered as al-Sharif's earlier works.

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