Saturday, March 08, 2008

Clearly I am not with it

I think it's true that most of us in my generation - and very likely in all generations - had no idea of what was involved in being a parent. But, even in those days one could always telephone your parents, older siblings or friends or read Dr. Spock. And, presumably one had a degree of intelligence and understanding that gave one the courage to try to solve a problem your child was experiencing. Further, while it was not one's preference, you realized that a baby would require you to work at parenthood as well as your livelihood. True, most of the women did not hold full-time jobs, but some did.

I'm just amazed at how much parenthood has changed in the past thirty or so years. Take for example, potty training. There are now consultants who for $250 will train your child to go to the toilet. Don't want to get up when your child cries in the night? Hire a sleep trainer at $800 per night. Don't know how to rub your baby? There's a massage consultant.

Couple this divorcing of parent and child with the overemphasis of raising a professional athlete and you have a very different view of children and parents, a view which contributes to our growing isolation and lack of community spirit.


Flimsy Sanity said...

Our neighbor kid was having trouble potty training her boy and my mom told her to leave him alone because when he started school, his teacher could do it ;).

Anonymous said...

The sad fact is that if these money-making schemes didn't exist the parents would have to take the trouble to be parents. Pay-someone-else has become the easy way out of one's responsibilities. And just look at the state of the kids they're producing.