Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Torch Is Being Passed

It's the torch of technological innovation I'm talking about. A recent study by the Center for American Progress documents our growing trade deficit in high technology products. Sure, part of it is due to offshoring. But, more is due to our being beaten in the marketplace because we have been ignoring the innovation culture that made us the world leader in high tech for decades.

Where China spends 10% of their GDP on research and development, we spend 3%, less than that spent by our competitors in Europe and Asia. On international tests of math skills, we rank in the lower half of countries.

We need to recognize the problem and start solving it. What have Hillary, Barack and John said about this issue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is only people glued to their TV's that still believe that we are the best country on earth. The only thing we lead in is production of military arnaments and we sell them to every side of every conflict. Sometimes when I am bored, I read the comments on You Tube entries and I am pretty disappointed in most of their abilities to construct a sentence, let alone come up with an original innovative idea.