Friday, September 26, 2008

God Save This Country

Our 'leaders' won't.

For the first time this season I watched a full 'presidential debate', or so it was called. But I'm just a naive 20th century person. I don't understand that 'presidential debates' are not about imparting knowledge as to what a candidate feels should be done about significant issues. They are a rehash of the candidates' stump speeches. Any subtlety about issues and their complexity was out the window. Real discussion between the candidates? Forget about it. Attempt at analyzing issues? Not in this 'debate'. Focus on the inconsequential? You bet.

Based on this 'debate' neither Obama nor McCain is fit to be president of this country. How did we create such a juvenile way of selecting our leaders? Is this what happened to Rome, Assyria, the Ottomans, England?

I wish the dollar were stronger as it looks like I should start investigating alternative abodes.


Anonymous said...

Many moons ago, when I was a very immature blogger, I wrote that when a person or a nation reaches such a pinnacle of power as to consider they are superior to everyone else, then the only way is down. When the Jacksonian Democrats coined the phrase, "Manifest Destiny" in the 1840's they may well have sounded the first death knell of the Union. Imperialism fuels exceptionalism and is the byproduct of every empire. Listening to snippets of Obama and McCain I hear two men, not discussing the problems with their own nation, but arguing how best to fix the world in America's image. Throughout history, many have tried. They've all spectacularly fallen by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

You are right, they are no longer debates but just ads. They used to be debates years ago when they were conducted by the League of Women Voters, but no longer I am afraid.