Monday, September 29, 2008

The Sun Is Shining

Okay, the market was down almost 800 points. It's been raining hard all weekend. Obama did not do well in the debate. The Patriots may have won or lost. Masterpiece Theater has lost its way. I walk even more slowly.

But, I did finish the Sunday Times puzzle. I think all of my family is in decent health. My car started today. Gas is under $4 on the Vineyard. With very few changes, HUD and USDA have approved all of the budgets we submitted. I'm engaged in reading Bacevich's book. I slept well last night. I feel as though I'm contributing to bettering the life on the Island and elsewhere. And, most importantly, I had my windows open as I drove home today for the sun was shining and it was warm. The world has not ended.

However, I am glad I am old. I have been fortunate to have lived when America was truly a great nation.


Anonymous said...

Splendide, mon brave!

Anonymous said...

the Pats had a bye week