Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seeing Eye Dogs for the Mind

A couple of weeks ago the Wall Street Journal opened my eyes about dogs. I don't like dogs, but this article illustrated how useful and 'humane' dogs can be. Puppies Behind Bars is a non-profit that has been able to convince prisoners that they can train dogs. I'd say they have succeeded. The dogs they've trained to help veterans are, to me, unbelievable. For example, the dogs can recognize changes in a person's breathing, perspiration or scent that can indicate an imminent panic attack. They can wake people from nightmares, help people differentiate between hallucinations and reality.

Other capabilities the dogs can learn: turn on lights with their noses, help load washing machines, retrieve food from shelves, help people take pills by listening to wristwatch alarms. To me, it's amazing.
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