Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Getting Confirmation

You may remember the problems I had with Zagat Wine in December.  I vowed then that I would not buy anything more from them. Unfortunately, I had committed to join their wine club.  

Last week I received an e-mail from Zagat Wine informing me that they were about to ship more wine to me as a member.  I immediately called and cancelled my membership. The clerk indicated that I would get an e-mail confirming my cancellation. When none came the next day, I called again. This clerk did confirm the cancellation and said I would get an e-mail stating this within 24 hours. When nothing came in within 120 hours, I called again. Again, I was told my membership had been cancelled but there was a backlog in the e-mail room and I would not receive confirmation for 4 days.

Should I believe Zagat Wine?  Has my membership been cancelled?  What is so difficult about sending an e-mail?

This is just another example of this company's sheer incompetence.

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