Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My kid must go to college

ETS, the firm responsible for the SATs,  has decided that they need to better monitor those who take the test.  The decision to upgrade their entrance process was made yesterday and consists primarily of better photo id procedures.  ETS decided to make these changes because of the arrest of students on Long Island who developed a business whereby smarter students took tests for those who don't test well.

I don't doubt that cheating on tests has gone on for just about forever.  What gets me is the money involved here.  As much as $3,500 changed hands for each test taken by an impostor.  The question is where would a typical teenager get this much money.  The only plausible answer is Mom and Dad. Doesn't it make sense in a society where thousands are spent trying to get 3- and4-year-olds into the right pre-school?

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