Friday, November 30, 2012

A new career

When my oldest grandchild is my age or even sooner, I predict that he will hire someone to open things for him.  Every new item I receive presents a challenge to open.  It doesn't matter what it is - a jar of aspirins, a bottle of juice, a package of razors - it takes an excessive amount of time, energy, tools and imagination to open.  

I think the primary reason for such difficulty is a function of our becoming a Lake Woebegone world.  Many have come to believe that nothing bad should ever happen to them. We want and need to be protected to an unnatural degree.   Therefore, we have to make absolutely sure that nothing bad can get into our packages before they become ours.  

I am well aware that the medicine container fixation was caused by some madman tampering with a Tylenol container.  But we have gone overboard in trying to prevent a very rare occurence from ever occurring again.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Hear, hear! Totally crazy.