Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Nadir

I’ve read that presidential campaigns in the early days were quite vitriolic.  I’ve also learned that the campaign of 1896 was the most expensive campaign in our history.  However, in my limited experience on this earth, the Obama-Romney campaign was the worst: vitriolic and expensive.  It was indicative of the times in which we live – a lot of blather, little insight, demonization of the opponent rather than cogent arguments, a torrent of advertisements, refusal to face reality, more emphasis on process rather than results, etc.  We need to change our electoral system.  It, like our government, is dysfunctional.

First, and most important, we have to stop the eternal campaign season.  Other nations – Canada, France, England and most of the rest of the civilized world – can limit campaigning to a month or two.  Why can’t we?

There have to be some limits on spending.  And we should be able to find out who is spending the money.  Citizens United should be revoked.

While it would be difficult to devise a system whereby the Equal Time rule could apply more equitably to sales of advertising time, it is not impossible.

Next, we need term limits beyond the presidency.  We should change the term of representatives to three years and allow a maximum of four terms.  The term limit for senators should be two.  

And, of course, we should eliminate the Electoral College.

I’m sure you have a good idea or two.  Why not share it in a comment?  We, the people, need to be more involved.  I’m too old to be starting a campaign to change our system, but you may not be.

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