Thursday, January 30, 2014

Making a buck from exorcism

Raw Story specializes in documenting the crazies living in our midst. Usually, it focuses on political crazies. The video below highlights Reverend Bob Larson, who is an exorcist. He claims he has performed 20,000 exorcisms over the past 20 years. Do you believe he performed three a day since 1993?

Now, he has decided to increase his business and has gone global. For only $295 he will spend an hour on Skype with you casting out whatever evil spirits you have. This video shows some of his work.

You should know that the Catholic Church frowns on this. International Catholic Association of Exorcists Director Reverend Isaac Kramer warns, “If a person is fully possessed, the demon inside of them will not let them sit in front of the computer screen to be exorcised, Chances are, they’re going to throw the computer screen across the room and destroy everything.”


R J Adams said...

I believe, in this enlightened age, possession by devils is better known as 'mental illness', and is best handled by doctors, not make-believe priests.

sdevito said...

Amazing! Is there anything the internet cannot do?