Monday, January 27, 2014

Some problems with Obama

The editors at Alternet have some strong opinions as to Obama's policies. These are the ones they feel strongest about. I can't say I agree with all of them, but I think #1, which refers to his management abilities or lack of them, is probably the fundamental problem I have with him.

1. Obama's caver-in-chief leadership style

2. Obama's deportation of nearly 2 million undocumented immigrants

3. Obama's coziness with, and failure to regulate or punish, the big banks

4. Obama's education "reformers" are corporate privatizer

5. Obama's call to ramp-up and embrace of our now pervasive surveillance state

6. Obama's dedication to secrecy and his hypocrisy about drones

7. Obama's attempt to ram through the corporation-loving, people-harming Trans-Pacific Partnership in secret

8. Obama's failure to do much about the racist drug war and discriminatory sentencing

9. Obama's counter productive energy policy

10. Obama's huge expansion of the number of countries where we are fighting secret wars with Special Ops

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