Thursday, October 28, 2004

Is Three a Magic Number?

Good things come in threes. Or, so our elders said. Is 2004 a year in which this bromide will hold? In January, the Patriots, the Massachusetts football team, won the Super Bowl. In October, the Red Sox, the Massachusetts baseball team, won the World Series (after 86 years, mind you). In November, will John Forbes Kerry, the Massachusetts senator, win the presidency? A month ago I wouldn’t have bet ten cents on it. Now, I’d bet ten dollars.

Of course, the pundits tell us the election race is still murky but it looks like their guy is leading. But does the media really know anything? Is it trying to tell the truth?

I think Bush is really getting scared. Even Bush’s friends are not exactly supportive. Allawi calls us negligent in not protecting his recruits. Buchanan castigates Bush for the war and the deficit. The editor of The American Conservative outlines the reasons why he is not voting for Bush.

In the ‘old’ days, when people had some scruples and a modicum of decency, failed presidents took themselves out of the office. Johnson declined to run. Nixon resigned. Yet, both Johnson and Nixon had major accomplishments, Johnson in civil rights, Nixon in China. I seriously doubt that this administration will be remembered for anything even remotely comparable. Whatever they’ve touched has turned not to gold but to excrement.

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