Saturday, October 30, 2004

It's over before you know it

The photo below is of my nephew, Eddie, and his wife, Leanne. It was taken at Anthony's Pier 4 Restaurant in Boston in January of this year. Nine months later he's dead. You wouldn't know it from the photo or from his attitude but he had a deadly form of cancer. He lasted a few months longer than the doctors said he would. Fortunately, the ending was fairly swift.

But is 'fortunately' the right word? How do we, the living, know what the last few days of life in a hospital bed are really like? Does one lose the most human of emotions, hope? Maybe that is good: to see the world as it is and not as we want it to be tomorrow. Well, we'll all get the chance to know the answer to that question.

Peace, Eddie.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

A sad time for you. My condolences, Al.