Saturday, August 04, 2007

Doing God's Work

The Christian Embassy does God's work in Washington, D.C. It seeks to evangelize members of the military and politicians. It holds regular Bible studies meetings and prayer breakfasts; every Wednesday the breakfast is held in the executive dining room of the Pentagon.

God's work does not come cheaply, so the embassy decided to create a fundraising video espousing its worth. They were able to get several generals to tout the virtues of the embassy. It so happens that the generals, who were all on active duty, were in uniform when they gave their spiel. It also so happens that such behavior violates Army regulations. Thus far, no action has been taken against these generals.

Earlier this year a corporal and a sergeant were prosecuted for marching in an antiwar protest while wearing their uniforms. Will the generals be prosecuted and threatened with dishonorable discharge?

Everybody affiliated with making this video was doing God's work. Therefore, the film crew was given unrestricted access to the Pentagon. Should they have been?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else consider a Christian ministry holding Bible study in the Pentagon somewhat incongruous? Or, is it just that I'm a Brit?