Thursday, September 29, 2011

Still At It After 20 Years

That's DOD's ability to keep financial records so that they can be audited. Here's what the GAO said last week, DOD "lacks the financial management processes and capabilities it needs to track and report on the cost of weapon systems in a reliable manner. We reported on this issue over 20 years ago, but the problems continue to persist.....

Long-standing and pervasive weaknesses in DoD's financial management and related business processes and systems have (1) resulted in a lack of reliable information needed to make sound decisions and report on the financial status and cost of DoD activities to Congress and DoD decision makers; (2) adversely impacted its operational efficiency and mission performance in areas of major weapons system support and logistics; and (3) left the department vulnerable to fraud, waste, and abuse"....

Thanks to Dina Rasor at Truthout.

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