Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Am I Just A Nostalgic Old Fool?

What in God’s name is happening with this country? Today’s Wall Street Journal reports on the efforts of partisan political groups on both right and left to indoctrinate our youth. And, by youth, I’m talking about kids as young as 5 or 6. Was it Hitler who said something about the virtues of being able to indoctrinate kids? Where are the parents in all of this? This being:

  • The Liberty Counsel whose spokesman says, “The entire cultural battle is over the children.”
  • Jerry Falwell who sends e-mails to hundreds of thousands of students every week.
  • Turn Your Back which is using kids to protest this week’s inauguration.
  • The ACLU activism kits that show children how to lobby legislators.
  • A book entitled “Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed”.
  • A 10 year old who says, “If you listen to liberals, they take away your dreams and hopes for the future.”
  • A book entitled “No, George, No!” which points up Bush’s errors using cartoons.
  • The Democratic National Committee’s “Kids for Kerry” program.
  • On Halloween, kids bypassing houses that had Bush campaign signs.

Why do we have such a need to make our kids into adults? We seem to be going back to the early days of the Industrial Revolution where kids slaved in factories.

If we, as a nation, don’t lighten up soon and practice some of the virtues that made this country great, I fear for all of us.


R J Adams said...

No, you're not a nostalgic old fool, Al, you are simply recognizing the depths to which the politically motivated are now prepared to sink in this country. Similar 'indocrination' tactics of the young have been condemned for years in communist countries, but our politicos have now caught on to the idea. Of course, they've tried to be a little less obvious about it than North Korea or China, but in the end brainwashing is brainwashing however subtly camouflaged - dung covered in rose petals is still dung.

R J Adams said...

No, you're not a nostalgic old fool, Al, you are simply recognizing the depths to which the politically motivated are now prepared to sink in this country. Similar 'indocrination' tactics of the young have been condemned for years in communist countries, but our politicos have now caught on to the idea. Of course, they've tried to be a little less obvious about it than North Korea or China, but in the end brainwashing is brainwashing however subtly camouflaged - dung covered in rose petals is still dung.

Greg said...

Education = Indoctrination, no matter what side of the isle you stand on. There is no such thing as educational objectivity except in reading, writing and arithmetic, and then only in the 'how' but not the 'what'.
But what does that matter since we've stopped teaching those things in the public school?