Sunday, January 23, 2005

A Real Massachusetts Winter Storm

The question is what was worse: the last real blizzard of the 20th century (1978) or the first real blizzard of the 21st century (today).

The 1978 blizzard caused the state of Massachusetts to be closed for about a week. There was no driving, no mail, no activity. It was a chance to meet your neighbors either shoveling, walking or at an impromptu potluck dinner. The storm was a sneak one. It had not been forecast so there were no preparations or warnings, hence the nasty aftermath. With the 2005 blizzard we’ve had ample warning and most people are prepared. Hopefully, reasonably normal activity will resume in a day or two. But, this storm is worse because of the wind. With gusts of 60mph or higher it feels at times as though the Vineyard will be blown away.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Glad to hear you're surviving it ok, Al. Down here in central Illinois we only caught the tailend - had about an inch of snow and wind gusts to 40mph.
I hope you're dug out and on the move again soon.