Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Who's Next?

Today’s Washington Post reports that another columnist was paid by the federal government to promote the administration’s agenda. Maggie Gallagher, another columnist of whom I’ve never heard, was paid $21,500 by the Department of Health and Human Services to promote the marriage initiative as a way of strengthening families. While she did earn her pay and plumped for this cause in her writings and TV appearances, she never mentioned the fact that she was being compensated by the US of A.

I don’t know what is worse: her not mentioning being a hired gun or the government hiring a gun. I suspect the latter.


Greg said...

A question... how does one market something without paying for it? It's no different than any other advertising campaign... don't behave as if this is the first time an administration has paid people to market their agendas. It happens all the time.. no different than a campaign ad for an election. This is just another reactionary response to something mundane. We all need to stop that, both sides.

Al DeVito said...

One of the advantages of being president is that one can market something without paying for it. Any time the president speaks, the media is there to note his words of wisdom. In the Armstrong Williams case, he was paid to promote a federal law, which the states are obligated to obey. In the Gallagher case, she was paid to promote an advertising campaign, i.e., the marriage initiative.

Again, the president's bully pulpit, together with the support of those who actually believe in a particular cause, should be enough to convince the American people of the merits of the president's proposals re such matters as an advertising campaign.

It would be nice to know how other presidents acted in such matters.

R J Adams said...

I'm sorry, but I find Greg's comment on this post utterly ridiculous. Sorry, Greg. Marriage is not a product; neither is it a service being supplied by government. This is simply another underhanded example of the way this government tries to indoctrinate its citizens. Promoting marriage as a 'family value' is not a governmental matter. Leave it to the churches. But then, it seems there is no difference between church and State in this country anymore. The Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves.

gecko said...

I would like to differ in this regard; mariage is an institution, not solely the perview of the church. Any promotion of healthy social entities is a positive.

As to columnists receiving payment for contracted services, vice promotion of an administration value, I belive people are making much to-do about nothing.