Saturday, February 26, 2005

An Embarassment to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

I’m not sure where Governor Romney of my home state went to school, but it appears he did not pick up much in the way of history or the English language.

Last night in Utah he said, “America’s culture is also defined by the fact that we are a religious people.” Hmm. What about something called separation of church and state?

Then he said, “And we are also unique in that we recognize that the family is the fundamental building block of American society.” And all this time I thought that unique meant the only one of its kind. I guess my Italian cousins don’t think that the family is the fundamental building block of Italian society.

It’s amazing that this guy could even be mentioned as a possible candidate for president. He’s done diddley squat as governor. But, like Bush, he won because the Democratic candidate was weak and ran a poor campaign. When are the Democrats or some other party going to smarten up? Eventually mediocrity will sink us.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

He'll probably make President and be a another perfect example of: 'It's not what you know - it's who you know."