Sunday, July 30, 2006

Now come the junior moguls

Or should I say the parents who want their kids to be junior moguls? Some parents send their 9 - 11 year-olds to BizCamp, a summer camp run by Junior Achievement. Now, I think Junior Achievement is a good thing for high school students. But having a 9-year-old spend a week learning how to sell ads, pay bank loans, to make a company profitable? That is criminal. A 9-year-old should spend the summer doing nothing but fooling around, trying different things on his/her own, exploring his world at his - dare I say it - leisure.

We have parents who think their child is the next Eli Manning; schools that pay kids to attend; parents who accompany their kids on job interviews; parents who carry signs advertising the marriageability of their children. Will these parents ever grow up?

I really am an old fart.

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