Friday, July 28, 2006

What's a mere 16 years?

That's how long it's been since the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments were passed. Yet, the EPA has not been able to fully implement the amendments and they still don't have a plan as to how they will do so, how much it wil cost or what the benefits will be. The GAO recently issued a report on EPA's efforts to do their job relative to the law. The EPA has not done well.

Here are a few excerpts from the GAO report:
  • Major aspects of the program have still not been addressed.
  • Many of the requirements pertain to limiting emissions from small stationary and mobile sources, which collectively account for most emissions of air toxics.
  • The program's agenda is largely set by external stakeholders who file litigation when the agency misses deadlines.
The EPA does acknowledge that 95% of us are more likely to get cancer as a result of breathing air toxics. How many are no longer walking around because the EPA has not done its job?

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