Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sounds Familiar

Okay, the Wall Street Journal is supposed to be a business paper, but today's edition had a very interesting - and dispiriting - take on the goings on in Lebanon. It sounded like the US in Iraq.

The Israeli military is convinced that their overwhelming military superiority will vanquish Hezbollah. Some Israeli leaders are already saying that more troops are needed. There is talk of establishing a secure zone in southern Lebanon. But despite destroying Lebanon's infrastructure and killing about 400 civilians, this militarily superior force has yet to make much progress on the ground. Hezbollah vanishes before they can really be defeated in any one battle.

As the war sounds very much like Iraq, so do the questions of what happens if Israel wins. Will the Lebanese government be able to do much in restoring their country? Will a decade-long occupation be needed? Will Hezbollah emerge from their caves if Israel leaves? Will the people of the ravaged lands and the people of the world be better off?

We entered Iraq to bring democracy to the Middle East. Israel entered Lebanon to exterminate Hezbollah. They may both be worthy goals. Unfortunately, they are goals set by a powerful military, not goals set by the residents.

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