Friday, September 01, 2006

A Possibility?

One of the few headlines I caught while on vacation reported on Hezbollah's intent to devote considerable effort and money to the reconstruction of Lebanon. If they do, in fact, succeed and are perceived to have helped their neighbors more and earlier than the Lebanese government has, will this strengthen them so much politically that Lebanon will have to reconsider its power-sharing agreement whereby the top elective positions are allocated among Christians, Sunnis and Shi'ites?

The agreement is based on the 1932 census. At that time the Shi'ite population was less than that of the Christians or Sunnis. Today, Shi'ites amount to about 40% of the population. So, instead of being the speaker of the parliament, a Shi'ite may become president. Israel - and the U.S. - will then face two terrorist organizations leading governments in its backyard.

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