Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is a lottery a smart recruiting tool?

If you have a surplus of qualified applicants for a particular type of job, it may very well be. But that is not the case when it comes to immigration to the U.S. via the H1B visa. We issue 85,000 of these visas every year but we issue them via a lottery. So, someone with the background to be a cleaning person has the same chance of entering the U.S. as a possible Nobel Prize winner and over 20% of the U.S. Nobel prize winners have been immigrants. Immigrants have started a lot of our technology leaders, such as Google and Sun. 40% of the PhDs issued in science and engineering in June will go to foreign-born students. Can we afford not to be more selective in who we admit to this country, particularly in this time of challenges to our world leadership in many areas? Canada can. Australia can. New Zealand can. Britain can. What will happen if we don't? Will we still be among the elite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are not among the elite now and it is not because of immigration.