Saturday, May 03, 2008

Reading Last

The results of the first DOE study on the Reading First program, which has as its goal the improvement of reading skills of grade school students, are in. Despite spending $1 billion a year on the program, it appears as though no improvements were made. Could it be because the competition for the money was structured so that the 'right people' got the contracts?

Reading First is part of No Child Left Behind, which is a catchy name but is turning out to be a program that is moving our educators to focus on students passing tests rather than learning. What has this administration done right?

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

I wonder why the teacher's unions aren't addressing the problem a little bit - with all their millions of years of combined experience, surely they could find ways to stop or slow our stupidity rate of kids. The professional organizations never step up and present any solutions - like the AMA never takes the licenses of really poor doctors.