Friday, February 13, 2009

Facts about CEO Pay

Sarah Anderson and Sam Pizzigati demolish most of the myths about the fairness of the compensation of Fortune 2000 CEOs:
  • The compensation is small potatoes in our modern economy.
  • Companies are better run now.
  • Bigger companies mean bigger pay checks.
  • It's a supply-demand situation.
  • Why don't you complain about Alex Rodriguez' pay?
  • They really don't make that much.
Each myth is shattered quite simple and effectively.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reality is that the posting doesn't deal with the central issue. Pay for performance.

It is as simple as that.

Society cannot understand why the CEOs of these major banks are still employed.

If you saw the 7 bank leaders in front of the Senate the other day, and the losses that those companies represent, one could only wonder why they were still in these leadership positions