Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wanat, Afghanistan

Tom Ricks has a wonderful series of articles about a small battle in Afghanistan that can tell us a larger story about our efforts there. His final entry quotes an Army friend of his.

We are so very exposed in this land-locked country, with no infrastructure, not nearly enough enablers, not enough transport... it's frightening, really.

. . . [R]remind folks that this is an enemy that may in fact look more like Hezbollah in Lebanon 2006 than al Qaeda in Iraq. This is an enemy that apparently has no problem massing force in space and time, and is tactically proficient at understanding our weaknesses. My own view is that we have to employ a properly resourced COIN mission . . . while simultaneously ensuring that those folks out in the hinterland have all the enablers they need. A tough problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do we still know what we're fighting for in Afghanistan? For no better reason than to shore up the corrupt Karzai government, it would seem.