Friday, February 20, 2009

Give it up for Lent

Lent was the time when most of my friends and I gave up something for Lent. After all, we were in a Catholic grammar school and wanted to be sure we would get to heaven. Usually, we gave up candy or, every so often, movies. But, I haven't fasted during Lent for decades and have given it zero thought in the 21st century.

So I was surprised to see a story about fasting for Lent in the Wall Street Journal. But, it's the 21st century and these people aren't doing such pedestrian things as giving up candy; they're giving up Facebook. I'm not talking about kids here; some of these quoted in the article are in the 50s. One woman has even joined a support group specifically designed for those fasting from Facebook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a strange species we are.