Monday, September 07, 2009

O, Canada

Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Martin is a military attache at the Canadian embassy in Washington. There must have been many changes in the way Canada manages its embassies, as Lt. Col. Martin has apparently been given the green light to show Americans

@LEOPARD-1_C2_6_13151_3zImage by MATEUS_27:24&25 via Flickr

how much Canada is doing in the battle in Afghanistan.

His way of achieving this is to build a small Afghan village on the grounds of the embassy and have the Taliban - rather actors playing as the Taliban - attack it. As part of the attack they will create fake - but loud - IED explosions in downtown DC twice a day on September 23 and 24. One Afghan civilian will be damaged by the IED and helped by a Canadian medic. “If this works the way I want it to, more Americans will know what Canada is doing in Afghanistan,” says Lieutenant-Colonel Martin. "It should provide the full flavour of hyper-realistic training. Absolutely, you are going to hear it out on Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Does anybody besides Lt. Col. Martin think that there is a chance of the explosions causing panic? I find it amazing that he has been given the authority to stage an event that is very likely to embarrass Canada.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Are we educating these people to be idiots, or are we just breeding more of them? What a totally pointless, and expensive, exercise. Most Americans don't give a tinker's cuss what Canada's doing in Afghanistan, anyway.