Sunday, September 13, 2009

Who's protecting the embassy in Kabul?

As with our other embassies in the 21st century, the answer to the question - assuming you simply want to know the name, rather than whether the embassy is really being protected - is a private security provider, ArmorGroup, a subsidiary of Wackenhut. It does not appear as though the company is doing a very good job.

First of all, the company has a hard time staffing their embassy force. Turnover is quite high (close to 100% for the American staff) so that the embassy has been understaffed; excessive turnover also severely impacts the building of the relationships that are necessary to the successful functioning of any organization.

Another requirement of a successful organization is the ability to communicate. Two-thirds of the guards are Gurkhas whose English is very poor. Then, there are the weekly 'parties' which feature hazing and other abuse of the staff.

The State Department, to whom ArmorGroup reports, has tried to remedy the situation but has not been very successful.
What happened to the days when Marines guarded our embassies?

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

Marines don't show a profit.