Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Are we addicted to war?

You really have to wonder. It certainly seems that way in this 21st century - three wars in eleven years. Since 1900 we have been in almost a dozen wars, both here and abroad. That's about one war every ten years. Why are we so bellicose and seemingly growing more so? Stephen Walt presents what he thinks are the major reasons for our addiction:

1. Because We Can. 
2. The U.S. Has No Serious Enemies.
3. The All-Volunteer Force.
4. It's the Establishment, Stupid. 
5. Congress Has Checked Out.
I wish that there were a possibility of intervention as there is with our personal addictions. But it's looking less and less likely. Obama seemed like he was going to do something about the addiction, but he's sucking on the drug himself.

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