Monday, April 04, 2011

What's Going On In Maine?

Directing that a mural depicting labor history in Maine be removed, the newly elected governor, Paul LePage, said, “I’m trying to send a message to everyone in the state that the state of Maine looks at employees and employers equally, neutrally and on balance.” Well, that's going to cost Maine $37,800, the amount of a federal grant it received to buy the mural. The grant agreement with the Feds requires the state to display the mural or return the money.

Item 2 - the governor has ordered that the names of conference rooms at the Department of Labor be changed. The Cesar Chavez and Frances Perkins rooms apparently were too pro-labor for the governor.

Item 3 - The legislature apparently feels that business is paying too much for labor. So, they are trying to change the laws so that employers can hire kids to work an unlimited number of hours and be paid quite a bit less than adults.

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