Wednesday, May 04, 2011

$100,000 Not To Go To College

That's what Peter Thiel is offering to twenty people under twenty years old who don't want to go to college. Applicants for this grant, which also includes being mentored by a Silicon Valley luminary, answer two key questions:
  • What is it about the world that you know is true that everyone else doesn't understand?
  • Does understanding this fact help you to change the world? How?
Thiel wants to sponsor the next generation of tech visionaries. He doesn't think colleges will do this. In fact he thinks colleges represent the next bubble as housing represented the current bubble and high-tech companies the previous bubble. He may have a point. As my readers know, I don't believe that everybody should go to college. I am also coming around to Thiel's view. Others are also. See, for example, this article from New York Magazine. (Thanks to my NYC correspondent for sending me the article.)

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