Monday, May 09, 2011

One More Once

Jim McGovern and Walter Jones will soon be introducing the Afghan Exit and Accountability Act, which is an attempt by the Congressmen to get us out of Afghanistan. If the bill passes, the President would have to give Congress a timetable for withdrawing our troops by a date certain. Plus, he would have to submit quarterly reports to Congress on the progress of troop withdrawal, as well as the human and financial costs of continuing the war. The President would also have to report how much money U.S. taxpayers would save if the war were brought to an end in six months, instead of five, ten, or twenty years.

You wonder how much the administration will oppose this bill, as it is now talking about 2014 as the date Afghans take the lead, not necessarily the date we withdraw and they are pushing Afghanistan to accept a Permanent Bases Agreement which would keep our troops there until further notice.

McGovern has been pushing us to get out of our quagmires for quite a few years. He hasn't succeeded but that is not for lack of trying.

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