Saturday, May 28, 2011

Will We Regain Our Manufacturing Edge?

How bad is the job loss in manufacturing? Here's some data from the Information Technology and Information Foundation. It plots the job loss in manufacturing by quarter since 2000. Not exactly a pretty picture.

Is it getting any better? It sure doesn't look that way. Can we continue to be a major financial power if we are not making things? Not only are manufacturing jobs going away, our share of world exports has dropped from 17% to 11% since 2000. Do you think that there is a correlation here? Another major financial power, Germany, has been able to maintain its 17% share of world exports.

We need to regain our manufacturing edge. Most of our R&D dollars are spent in the manufacturing process. A good deal of our innovative techniques and processes come from the need to solve manufacturing problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a unique opportunity to insource manufacturing, given the geopolitical turmoil, natural disasters such as in Japan, just in time manufacturing, high unemployment and labor union weakness.
Now is the time to give corporates an incentive to manufacture high value added products in the USA and make it attractive to bring profits generated overseas back into the USA for investments here.
What are we waiting for????