Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Have to keep those Mexicans out...

.. and pay off our contributors.  The immigration bill approved by the Senate will cost us $46 billion, but will sure be a boon to Northrop Grumman, Sikorsky, American Eurocopter and Bell Helicopter, as products of these companies are specifically identified in the legislation.  No competitive bidding for these products!

And, of course, we don't have enough border patrol agents - at least on the Mexican border.  We had 10,000 agents in 2004, have 21,000 now and will have 38,000 should this legislation go into effect.  

To ensure that this legislation would actually result in this new equipment and bloated staff, immigrants will not receive green cards until the equipment and staff are at work and the electronic visa and employment verification systems are also operational.

Why aren't we protecting our other borders - north, east and west?  Is it only Mexicans that we should be afraid of?

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