Sunday, March 09, 2014

A changed life for the children of Fukushima

In the city of Koriyama, 35 miles west of the Fukushima plant, authorities recommended shortly that children up to two years old not spend more than 15 minutes outside each day. Those aged 3 to 5 should limit their outdoor time to 30 minutes or less. These recommendations were eliminated in October of last year, but five months later many parents are still reluctant to have their kids play outdoors.

This lack of outdoor play has negatively effected the children. The director of a local kindergarten observes, "There are children who are very fearful. They ask before they eat anything, 'does this have radiation in it?' and we have to tell them it's okay to eat." Children are weaker yet more obese, their coordination is poor, they tend to anger easily, there are more arguments and fights.

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