Monday, March 10, 2014

Are we over-prescribing?

I guess some doctors don't make enough money and that is the reason that they are the primary source of narcotic painkillers for chronic abusers. That's what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has found. More than 16,000 people died of narcotic overdoses in 2010, the most recent year for which data is available.

The CDC also studied the use of antibiotics among different hospitals’ medical/surgical wards and found considerable variation. Doctors in some hospitals prescribed three times as many antibiotics as those in other hospitals. In about one-third of cases, prescriptions for the antibiotic vancomycin included a potential error – either it was prescribed without proper tests or evaluation, or given for too long.

The CDC recommends that hospitals establish what they're calling an antibiotic stewardship program which reports monthly to the doctors and other hospital personnel on prescribing and resistance patterns and steps to improve. Their theory is that an individual doctor may not be able to know, but a health care system or a hospital can provide feedback that compares each doctor and can identify one who is out of kilter with the rest.

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