Sunday, August 21, 2005

I thought the BBC had higher standards

The BBC reports on the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) today in a Panorama special (which, I suspect, is like our 60 Minutes). The MCB, consisting of over 400 mosques and other Islamic groups, is supposed to represent mainstream Muslim opinion in Britain. I wonder just how insightful the report is. It's true I have not seen the show and am relying on a post on the BBC News web site. But could the web site differ very much from the TV show they are discussing?

The reporter finds that the MCB and affiliates promote anti-Semitic views. But, this finding appears to be based on the Secretary General of the MCB attending a memorial service for a Hamas leader who supported suicide bombers in Israel rather than attending a Holocaust Day Memorial. What would you do? Miss a memorial service for someone you knew or for Jews in general?

The article disparages a group calling itself Al-e-Hadith for saying that imitating non-Muslims means you’ll go to hell. This doesn’t much differ from the nuns and priests telling me that non-Catholics would most likely burn in hell.

You want to believe that most Muslims oppose the Islamic fundamentalists, and they should speak out more. But a report like this is not one that would encourage them to do so.

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