Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Another free speech case

David Irving is probably not a very nice guy. He's the author of books which claim that the Holocaust never occurred. He's made speeches making the same point. He's sued people relative to their position on the Holocaust.

He was convicted yesterday in an Austrian court for being a Holocaust denier. Austria, the birthplace of Hitler, passed a law in 1992 which makes denial or excusing of Nazi crimes against humanity a crime. Is this law just? Would we convict someone who denied that slavery existed in this country? I don't think so as this position is so ridiculous a proponent of such would be laughed off the stage by any person aware of our history.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

It's rather like blaming the cartoonists for upsetting half the world's Muslims. They shouldn't have done it because.....
If we keep making laws to appease those too easily upset we will end up with so many that freedom of speech will have been annihilated almost without us realizing it. It's the thin end of a wedge.