Thursday, February 02, 2006

Controversy Spurs Competition

Last year the League of Women Voters cancelled their Candidates Night because there was only one contest in the Town election, that for Tree Warden. This year's Candidates Night will be held; there are already two major contests and there is still time for entering a race.

Graham case has spawned a three-way race for Assessor. The candidates are the incumbent (Mike Colaneri), a Selectman (Glenn Hearn) and a gadfly (Jonathan Revere). More may enter this race.

The Graham case has also indirectly resulted in a race for Selectman between Skipper Manter (the incumbent) and James Alley (who was Selectman in the '60s). Mr. Manter became Selectman by beating James Alley's brother, John (who is also the chair of the County Commission).

West Tisbury is a small town and it's been hard to get new people to run for office. But, this has been a busy year for controversy in Town. In addition to the Graham case there has been a lot of talk over a new Town Hall.

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